Refrigerated Circulators / Baths

JULABO refrigerated and heating circulators are suitable for temperature application to external systems with simultaneous operation in the bath tank. Models in different performance classes are available. The units provide high heating/cooling capacities to ensure rapid heat-up and cool-down times. With ‚Active Cooling Control' to +200 °C.

Strong Benefits

  • Circulators for working temperatures from -95 °C to +200 °C

  • Extra bright, easy to read displays

  • Quick and highly precise results thanks to state-of-the-art control technology

  • Many professional functions for adjusting control parameters

  • temperature calibration, temperature profiles, etc.

  • High heating and cooling capacities for demanding applications

  • Powerful circulating pumps, electronically adjustable

  • Intelligent warning and safety functions

  • Unique early warning system for low liquid level

  • Digital and analog interface for flexible communication

  • Wireless monitoring and operation with WirelessTEMP® (accessory)

  • Maximum cooling capacity at all temperatures (Active Cooling Control)

  • Removable venting grids for quick and easy cleaning

  • Heated bath cover plates to prevent condensation or ice build-up

  • All wetted parts are made of stainless steel or high grade plastic

Refrigerated - Heating Circulators

CORIO Refrigerated / Heating Circulators

Refrigerated / Heating Circulators of the new CORIO™ series distinguish themselves with a great price-to-performance ratio. They are ideal for all standard tasks and routine work in laboratories and industry.

Models for internal and external applications

Bright, white, easy to read display

Easy change-over from internal to external circulation and vice versa

External pump connections (M16x1)

USB interface

Space-saving cooling coil design provides more usable space in the bath tank

Bath lid and drain tap included

Removable ventilation grid

Refrigeration unit without side vents


DYNEO Refrigerated / Heating Circulators

DYNEO DD Refrigerated/Heating Circulators for various applications

Suitable for internal and external applications

Optimized cooling coil design provides more space in the bath

Ergonomic handles

Bath lid included

Built-in drain tap for easy and safe drainage

Continuously adjustable, powerful pressure pump

External Pt100 sensor connection

Integrated pump connectors M16x1

DYNEO is equipped with USB interface.

DYNEO is available with RS232 or analog interface option.


MAGIO MS Refrigerated/Heating Circulators

The MAGIO range Refrigerated Circulators of premium quality, high performance, offer extra strong pressure and suction pumps, thus fulfilling the highest demands for temperature control of external applications.

Ideal for demanding external applications

Simple control of complex applications

Continuously adjustable, extremely powerful pressure / suction pump

Flow rate 16 ... 31 l / min, pressure 0.24 ... 0.92 bar, suction 0.03 ... 0.4 bar

Large, high-resolution TFT touch display with multilingual user interface

Parts being in contact with the medium made of stainless steel

Integrated programmer

Integrated external Pt100 connection

USB connection, Ethernet, Modbus.

Class III (FL) according to DIN 12876-1

Profibus DP (Accessory)

RS232/RS485 interface for online communication

Connections for solenoid valve
