JULABO F models require very little space and have very low procurement costs.
Recirculating coolers of the F series are a great way to replace costly tap water and are ideal for basic cooling tasks.
F compact recirculating coolers
JULABO F models require very little space and have very low procurement costs. Recirculating coolers of the F series are a great way to replace costly tap water and are ideal for basic cooling tasks.
- Environmentally friendly operation with low energy consumption
- Compact design
- Splash-proof keypad
- Easy filling and Drain tap easily accessible
- No side vents, instruments can be placed right next to other equipment
- All wetted parts made of stainless steel or high grade plastic (except FC-T models)
- Optical filling level indicator
- Large, bright LED display

Product Overview

Compact recirculating coolers
Compact models for simple cooling tasks.
The compact recirculating coolers in the F Series are economic models for routine applications in laboratories. The instruments cool in a temperature range of -10 or 0 °C to +40 °C and achieve a stability of ±0.5°C. The space saving design and lack of side vents allow flexible positioning even in small laboratories. Their high efficiency mean that the coolers in the F Series are an economic and environmentally friendly alternative to cooling with tap water. Low acquisition costs mean that they pay for themselves within a very short time.