F compact recirculating coolers

JULABO F models require very little space and have very low procurement costs. Recirculating coolers of the F series are a great way to replace costly tap water and are ideal for basic cooling tasks.

F compact recirculating coolers

JULABO F models require very little space and have very low procurement costs. Recirculating coolers of the F series are a great way to replace costly tap water and are ideal for basic cooling tasks.

Product Overview

Compact recirculating coolers

Compact models for simple cooling tasks.

The compact recirculating coolers in the F Series are economic models for routine applications in laboratories. The instruments cool in a temperature range of -10 or 0 °C to +40 °C and achieve a stability of ±0.5°C. The space saving design and lack of side vents allow flexible positioning even in small laboratories. Their high efficiency mean that the coolers in the F Series are an economic and environmentally friendly alternative to cooling with tap water. Low acquisition costs mean that they pay for themselves within a very short time.

Working temperature range (°C) -10 ... +40 0 ... +40 0 ... +40
Temperature stability (°C) ±0.5 ±0.5 ±0.5
Cooling capacity (kW) 0.25 0.5 1
Pump capacity flow rate (l/min) 15 24 23
Pump capacity flow pressure (bar) 0.35 0.5 1